Get Back To Work

Work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. 2 Peter 1:10

It is by grace that we are saved, not about the works we have done, but salvation is a gift of God. That is the fundamental truth about Christianity. No one can work their way to God, no one can buy their way to God and no one deserves to be right with God. However, the wonderful truth about the gospel of Jesus Christ is that it is a free gift to us all.

While this is the best news the world has ever heard, this news was not meant to be left on its own. The book of James very clearly states that faith without works is dead. 1 Corinthians states that faith and all the spiritual gifts of God without the expression of love for others is just a noisy clanging cymbal.

The life of a believer isn’t about just sitting back and waiting for heaven. Life as a believer is more than this. It is about working hard. It is about tackling your issues head on. It is about making a decision to be transformed by the power of God. It is about sacrificing your own desires for the desires of the Lord. It is about choosing to abstain in favor of stopping others from stumbling. It is about getting up and doing when all within you wants to sit and stop. It is about desiring the most useful gifts. It is about helping others who can’t help themselves. It is about working hard to make a difference in the time you have left on this earth.

The life of a believer isn’t easy, but then again who said being called and chosen of God was a walk in the park. It’s not, but the result is an eternity of glory in heaven with your creator. Get up, get moving and get back to work!

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