Tag Archives: Clean Water

A Little Perspective

Sometimes in life we can lose perspective very quickly.

I think living in the USA causes people to lose perspective quicker than most other people around the world.

The constant bombardment of being better, bigger, more successful, richer, more educated, more secure, more in control and so forth leaves the majority of people very discontent with their life.

Let’s be honest for a moment. We are the most blessed people not just in the world today, but in the history of this world! No-one else has ever had so much. No-one has ever lacked so little. No-one has ever had a greater today, with an even brighter tomorrow.

However, there is something about living in the USA that causes people to be complainers! I find that the more blessed people seem to be the more they complain.

  • The mother who has been so blessed to actually have a child, complains that she doesn’t have time for herself while 7.3 million women in the USA alone would love to just one day hold a child they can call their own.
  • The businessman who complains that his job is too stressful yet brings home more in one year that his grandfather did in a lifetime.
  •  The school kid who complains that they have to get up for free school while their reading level at age 8 is more advanced than the majority of the worlds adults.
  • The young girl who complains that the water out of the tap doesn’t taste like bottled water while 2/3 of the worlds people can’t even get a glass of clean drinking water each day.
  • The family who complains that they can’t afford to take their family out for a steak dinner at Outback on Friday night, while 100,000 will die today because of starvation.
  • The young professional who complains that he has to wait two weeks before he can see his doctor while millions die from the lack of basic medicine that we can get over the counter 24/7.

So today, as you go about your business, if you feel the urge to complain about something, please remember that God has blessed you beyond anything you ever deserve. Get a little perspective, and then thank God that you have the privilege to live a life that could only be a dream to the majority of people in this world!