Tag Archives: God-Given dreams

God-Given Dreams!

Every one of us have dreams for our lives. Some have bigger dreams than others; some have expensive dreams while others have simple dreams.

Most people will one day chase after their dream. A few will succeed in catching their dream, but most will probably give up half way for some reason.

Dreams are always something out of our immediate reach, otherwise they would not be dreams, they’d probably be reality.

The dreams that I find are hardest to chase are the God-given dreams! We will always fail and quit chasing these dreams if we rely on our own instincts, gifts and talents. God-given dreams always require God at the center.

We have a God-given dream called Generation Church. This God-given dream is something I have realized is impossible without God. We have a great team of people partnering with us to chase this dream. The majority of our team members including my wife and I are planners. We hate to feel unprepared! However, I have discovered that you can plan all you want with a God-given dream, yet it will never bring that dream to reality.

For us the hardest part of chasing this dream has been to have to take our hands off and just let God do what God does best, bring things that were not into being!

It is often frustrating to not be able to take the bull by the horns and guide this dream, not just frustrating for me, but for our team as well. However, I have realized that with a God-given dream it is impossible to get your arms around it. In fact it is so large that you will never be able to see the top, bottom, sides and back of the dream. This is where the need for God comes in. He sees the whole dream and gets a view we will never see!

If you have a God-given dream that you feel totally overwhelmed and will never become reality, then start to look to the one who gave you the dream. Stop trying to figure it out yourself, trying to control the outcome, trying to predict the next step, trying to plan your way to the finish line. God-given dreams are gifts that enable us to watch the creator himself at work. Enjoy the gift God has given you and be amazed at what he will do if YOU LET HIM!